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우리 큰놈이 올해 초등학교에 입학하면서 잡다한 것들에 관심이 많아졌네요.
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우리마님이 걱정거리 중에 하나가 큰 놈과 작은 놈이 같이 집에 있으면 너무 정신이 없다는 점입니다
그 통지서 보자 마자 신청을 했는데 참 아이 둘있는 집에서는 좋을거 같네요
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꽤나 오래 돌봐 주네요.
특히 올해에는 뉴스에서도 봤는데 당초에 초등학교 1학년까지 적용되었던 초등학교 돌봄교실이 초등학교 2한년까지 적용 된다고 하네요.
기대하셨던 분들에게는 희소식이 될 거 같습니다
이번에 이렇한 행정처리는 박근혜 대통령의 공약중 하나였다고 합니다
앞으로 전학년으로 범위를 확대한다고 하네요.
우리 막내가 초등학교에 입학 할때 쯤이면 이미 전학년 초등학교 돌봄교실이 적용되어 있을거 같습니다.
귀여운 고양이 영상이 있어서 올려 봅니다
cute cat video from YouTube
Interest I was higher in those miscellaneous heavyweights we are enrolled in elementary school this year .
Of course , the Queen of us although I care about even more
There was a troublesome classroom application of elementary school to notice it came to the house during this time
Was out there do something like that it just
One of the worries , the Queen of us is that there is no spirit and very at home with a small guy and the guy large
It seems to say that in the house of two children true that the application as soon as look at the notice
The take care up to 17:00 , home of two-earner family is so give me take care of up to 22 o'clock in the general home
It will give me quite a while care .
At the beginning that we have seen in the news , care of elementary school classrooms that have been applied to the first grade elementary school it is applied to two Han'nyon elementary school this year in particular .
It seems to be good news for those who were expected
Administrative processing such , seems to have been one of the promises of President Park Geun this time
Future , it seems to expand the scope to university-wide .
By the time my youngest is enrolled in primary school , university-wide elementary school classroom trouble seems to have already been applied .
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