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유치원을 않가는 주말이나 저녁에 배가 살짝 고플라고 하면 간단하게 아이와 재밌게 만들수 있는 식빵롤케익입니다.

준비물은 먼저 식빵, 딸기잼 혹은 맛있는 아무잼, 밀대(밀가루 반죽 밀기용), 산적꽂이만 있으면 됩니다

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한번 배우더니 씩씩하게 식빵의 둘레를 잘라 냅니다

그래도 악간 불안한 마음이...얘한테 칼을 주다니...

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앗 이런 밀대로 식빵을 미는 모습을 찍지 못했습니다


우리 마님이 자꾸 심부름을 시켜서 중요한 순간을 놓치고 말았습니다.ㅎ

밀대로 미는 건 아이도 잘 할 수 있습니다

식빵만 납짝하게 만들면 되거든요..

납짝하게 밀린 식빵에 잼을 바릅니다

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나중에 요리사가 될 지도 모르겠습니다.

벌써 식빵을 두개나 잼 발랐네요.

의자 뒤에 숨어서도 한장 찍었습니다

엄마가 식빵을 마는 모습을 시범 삼아 보여 줍니다

역시 재능 있는 우리 큰놈이 잘 따라서 합니다

평소에는 장난만 치고 아빠를 무시하는 놈이지만 이러게 뭔가 집중을 잘 하기도 합니다.

...아빠를 무시하는 건 아마 아빠가 철이 없어서인가....

이렇게 세개나 만들었습니다

아직 끝나지 않았습니다

롤케익은 잼의 점착력으로 붙어 있을 수도 있지만 잼은 본드가 아니라 잘 떨어질 수 있습니다

어른이 먹을 때는 상관 없지만 아이들은 아무래도 철이 없으니까

먹다가 롤이 풀어지면 곤란해 질수 있겠죠..

여기서 산적꽂이가 등장합니다.

세개의 롤케익을 하나씩 산적꽂이에 끼웁니다

이제 완성입니다

사진도 많이 붙이고 장황 한거 같은데 실은 간단한 먹을거리 입니다

아이가 간식 먹고 싶다고 하면 식빵이랑 쨈을 주면서 "네가 직접 롤케익이나 만들어 먹어라" 해도 될 정도 입니다

우리 큰놈입니다 살만 조금 빼면 잘 생겨 보일 텐데..

완성된 롤케익을 들고 기념으로 사진을 찍습니다.

아이와 놀아 줄 겸 먹거리도 만들겸 한번 재미삼아 식빵롤케익 만들어 먹어보는 것도 좋을 거 같습니다

참고로 저도 조금 먹어 봤는데 먹을만 했습니다..



It is a roll cake making and child

It is a bread roll cake that can be made to enjoy with children easily if hungry, and lightly crowded in the evening and weekends to go without a kindergarten .

First , bread , jam and delicious strawberry jam , rolling pin ( for press dough ) , shall be prepared , only Sanjokukotoi

Cut with a knife (the part was slightly firmer and directly exposed to expand 떄 bake bread in the hard part ) part of the periphery of the bread is the very first

Heavyweights we will try once

However , cutlery It is poor lot .

It seems to need help of mom here

Helper mom angel appeared again

You will learn to use a knife so that it does not hurt

Probably , I suspect that the most dangerous is when this

Only if you want to cut , who made ​​no peace of mind , looks good even me instead of children

I cut around the bread at once strong and actor

Still feeling uneasy Akugan gave this child Hante sword ... ...

Oh, I did not take the figure Press bread in this rolling pin

I am sorry.

I will miss the crucial moment the Queen of us let more and more errands . ㅎ

It's in the press rolling pin it can be better for children

The I comes to the Napuchaku only bread .

Apply the jam to bread that was pressed to Napuchaku

Apply stretched evenly to completely bread carefully

It got to pretty good though it is a big game for us

Apply the jam with a full Super Intensive

It may prove to be a chef later .

It is jam painted and two bread already .

I took one piece that is also hidden behind the chair

It shows sub- shows how the mother round the bread

My big shot who are talented in this way often still

The guy that ignores dad mischief is stretched but usually , or to better focus on something like this .

And to ignore Dad .... or without iron my father probably

I created and three as this

It was not over yet

Roll cake , there are times when it is attached with an adhesive force of jam , but that it is not the bond , and fall well jam

It does not matter when the adults eat , but because there is no iron absolutely children

It would be inclined in trouble roll is released eat .

Here Sanjokukotoi appeared .

I plug it into a one by one Sanjokukotoi roll cake of three

It is now complete

Photos are also food simple fact it is redundant seclusion it with a lot

While giving the bread jam Yara speaking children and want to eat a snack , "You Tabero roll cake or create your own " 'd be also

It would occur well if Salman is missing a little big game for us.

I took a photo to commemorate with a roll cake was completed.

You try to eat it made ​​fun bread roll cake created and even once and food to me playing with children also seems to be good

By the way , I've only eat I also try to eat a little .
