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하지만 운동장도 아닌 길에서 자전거를 타기에는 위험할거 같아서 제가 직접 끌고 왔습니다
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마치 모래밭에서 바퀴가 않굴러가는 것 처럼 자전거페달 밟는 것이 좀더 어려운가 봅니다
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하지만 아직은 포기하지 않고 열심히 시도 하고 있네요.
여기에 다른 어린이들도 자전거를 타고 있습니다
그런데 우리 큰 놈보다 더 어려 보입니다
우리 큰 놈이 물어보니 한살정도 어리다고 합니다
하지만 그 아이들은 자전거를 아주 자연스럽게 잘 타고 있습니다
잔디밭이 아닌 운동장 가장자리의 트랙에서 타고 다니고 있습니다
우리 큰놈도 그걸 보더니 트랙으로 나왔습니다
아까 잔디보다는 타기가 약간 수월해 보입니다
하지만 아직은 중심잡기가 쉽지 않아 멀리가지는 못하고 있습니다
동생들은 잘 타고 있는데 부러워 하는거 같습니다
지금은 좀 미숙하지만 많이 연습하면 잘타게 될거라고 이야기 해 주었습니다
겁이 많아서 빨리가지 않는것도 넘어지는 이유중 하나인거 같습니다
제가 잡아주다 밀면서 놓아주면 그나마 좀더 멀리 가기는 하는데 겁이나서 자전거 속력을 높이지 못하니 금방 멈추거나 넘어질려고 합니다
그나마 자전거가 작은 종류라 아이의 발이 땅에 닿아서 다행인거 같습니다.
언제나 자전거를 잘 타게 될지..........(아이라서 금방 배울거라고 기대해 봅니다)
The weather is now very hot
We have been practicing for the big emo hair bike on the weekend
It is a design that did a story my friend was riding a bicycle guy hair large we I went to elementary school
Was Mashi hat give up many times people fall who have ever tried to practice hair bicycle last year cowardly
However, I try to challenge yourself this time
It was a bit of a pain to get out to actually also covers the day, but now that the heart is gradually weakened in the eyes of a person with full of eager to trying to learn bicycle
Day despite hot, the playground of the school, people has come out once in a while
Student playing with a ball by several people sitting also in the shadow of bench looks
Guy large We are a pattern that itch I wanted to ride a bicycle from the front also be arriving to school
However, I have been directly collected to ride a bicycle on the street not even playing field as this is going to be a danger
It tries to catch a bike as soon as you arrive at the playground
However, it seems was not easy and to take the center of the bike still motivated only proceed beyond
It is a design that resistance force is generated lawn began to ride on the lawn to consider safety is fluffy
It is more difficult to be stepping on the pedal of the bicycle as if we do not have rolling wheels in a sandbox like
In addition, I have not stepped back in securely pedal that does not grasp well the center yet
However, I have tried hard to not give up yet.
Other children are also riding a bike here
By the way, looks young than the big guy our
Old enough to'm young guy large When We heard
However, the children are riding well naturally very bicycle
Rather than the lawn, I go riding on the track at the end of the playing field
Heavyweights we too when you see it, I went out to the track
Rather than the grass of a little while ago, ride will be a little easier
But I have take center is not far away with not easy yet
I ride well, but brother I do envy
It is a little immature now, but told us that it would be to ride better to practice a lot
You do not go immediately timid also seems to be the one of the reasons for the fall
I think that it is not able to increase the bicycle speed afraid to even it also to be far if give me slide give me grab, or stopped immediately, and to fall
Foot of the child that kind bike is small seems to good to touch the ground even it.
Is it is as well to ride a bike all the time ......... (because it is a child, and I expect that it would be soon learn)
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