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물론 토목공학에 대한 포스팅은 지속적으로 이루어질 것입니다
Be majoring in civil engineering , it is now also the work of related fields
I work in the design side
Why try to use it once a statement, as this is the indifference like too for civil engineering and unless those who do the work involved with us
For example, it is the road to be able to take a close look at the most easily during the day that we
By the way , I believe the road , and went forth large mechanical or just go , wife of us , was created
However, I do not mean that is made simply by making one road
I think the fact that the classification of civil engineering occurs in the category of my blog from today , I started to talk easily , and let's introduce to people coming to my blog and little by little
Civil Engineering is a discipline that was combined with the beginning of our humanity
The most common example , starting from ( the way a person through ) road , such as size ( that developing and water , put the water in the rice fields and field ) , those of the public a ( basic key industries of society as a whole is ) we
To make the road , you have to build a tunnel by cutting the mountain , to create a bridge
In the old days just made by the power of the people , things of such a series , was made based on the feelings and thoughts of tall people
However , it began to grow become more social people is increasing more and more , with the development of technology , as is logical thinking and ideas economic
Civil engineering as well , seems to have become necessary scientific approach more from the moment it is in the
That moment is whether such from time , it is not possible to know exactly actually , but there is a road that was made by implanting stone of the square of the Roman road , which is to have the concept of the first package , buried in volcanic ash road in the city of Pomupe city that has been excavated , it is referred to as a road that the concept of these packages have been grafted
I do not know whether I made while drawing the design drawings in this era , you can see that it that it was made on the basis of thinking scientific which had a width that is consistent to some extent and urban planning
Civil engineering thus begun , has evolved a number of so far
Further , among the civil engineering , it is subdivided into the field is divided into a number
For example , it is necessary to the verification of land for designing one of the road , one yeti geotechnical engineer of civil engineering is required , experts of the road linear for vehicle operation comfortable and safe are present , ( to analyze the traffic , prediction) expert transportation you can cross the river and people of packaging structure and calculation , civil structural engineer of the tunnel is required for road paving
In this way , I always have a hard time civil Gisurujai many for life safety and comfort of people
Looking at the Eagle , road construction , and come and go only construction machinery just , I want you Do not think easy to become multi-
In the next post , instead of only take cases like today , I will carry out a little bit about the road for today With floss like you are reading it is too long to the article
Of course, is that the post of civil engineering is performed on an ongoing basis
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