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축구, 초등학교 운동장, 따뜻한 오늘


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하지만 아빠 입장인 저는 이러한 일들을 그냥 두고 볼수가 없습니다

어떻게 감히 숨어서 스마트폰을 하다니... 게다가 게임을 하고 있습니다

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매우 귀찮지만 제가 일어서게 됩니다

"얘들아 축구하러 가자 ! "

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게임에 빠져 있던 아이들은 드리 큰 반응을 보이지는 않습니다

괜히 입이 부끄러워 지네요

하지만 여기서 기가 죽으면 않됩니다

바로 마님에게 달려갑니다

"얘들이랑 축구나 해 줄까?"

물론 우리 마님은 찬성합니다

옆에 있던 처제도 아이들의 운동에 싫지는 않은 표정입니다]

결국 아이들은 운동장으로 나오게 됩니다

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밖이 생각보다 따뜻합니다 

햇살도 따스하고 오랫만에 찾아온 따뜻한 주말입니다

공을 운동장에 던져 놓으니 아이들이 신나게 뛰어갑니다

공을 잡고 드리블을 하면서 골대를 향합니다

우리 큰놈이 드리블을 합니다

사진으로 보면 제법 드리들을 하는거 같습니다.

하지만 이녀석 아직 초등학생도 아닙니다

사촌형은 올해에 중학교에 입학합니다

사촌형과 아빠가 봐주면서 축구를 하고 있었습니다.

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게다가 포동포동합니다

그래서 그런지 한번 뛰고 나면 힘들다고 잠깐 쉬면서 축구를 하고 있습니다

그렇더니 결국 골대에서 주져 앉네요

힘든 모양입니다.


우리 큰놈이 힘들어 하면 잠깐씩 쉬면서 하다가 결국 이렇게 오늘의 축구는 끝이 나네요.


따뜻한 날씨을 고맙게 생각하며 나무에 가서 매달리기도 하고 놀이터로 향했네요.







It was a weekend weather is warm for the first time in a long time

Big guy of us who came to the house after a long time of other new earnestly directly below where it met with cousin brother

However , it does the job that is not allowed is the opportunity you are Soryo interest of mom who met for the first time in a long time these guys are different in ( chat )

Of course , but it is hidden

Omumo also know , but there seems to be a mind to think the feeling of a child and you do not piss her off just here

It makes just look at the people of the only smartphone game without causing other trouble hiding .

However, I, the position of his father , does not get to see things like this just put

In addition ... , we have a game Nantes to the smartphone How dare hidden

Title of the game is cart rider

Just because , here it does not exceed or ㅊ and pin the sound

In response to the tuning can be caused naturally the speculation of everyone quietly , children and adults alike to create Masu Neyagawa a satisfactory conclusion .

It's very tedious , but I will stand up

Let's go to football " everyone! "


Children who were addicted to the game , does not show a significant reaction to the edge

Mouth I will ashamed for no good reason

However , it does not die giga here

I depends on the wife immediately

Want to football and Yara "People ?"

Of course, the wife is our favor

It is the expression not hate the movement of children and sister of the wife who was next to ]

After all , the child will come out in the playground


It is warm outside than I thought

Sunshine warm , it is warm weekend came by for the first time in a long time

Children Masu happily jump If you keep throwing the ball the playground

The possession of the ball , the goal while dribbling !

Heavyweights us to dribble

It got to the edge well enough and see in the picture .

However , this person is not even in elementary school yet

Cousin enrolled in junior high school this year

I was a soccer dad and cousin while watching .


In addition, the plump

Or Therefore, it has a football while rest a little and tough if you run once

I sit Jujo goal eventually Tara so

Seems to be very .


If the heavyweights we have become difficult , while rest a while , like this , football today I will end eventually .


I went to the playground and also to learn, to go to the tree with Narushiuru warm thanks .
