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이번에 외가집 다녀와서 얼굴이 많이 둥그래진거 같습니다.

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아래 사진은 큰 놈이랑 같이 찍은 사진입니다

우리 큰 놈이 살만 조금 빠져도 잘생긴 편인데

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그런 아이 생각하면 좋게 생각하려고 합니다

사실 소아비만 같은거는 우리랑 상관없는 거라고 생각하고 있지만 작은놈까지 여즘 식성이 너무 좋아지니..

동생은 형을 따라간다는데 설마 작은 놈도 큰 놈 처럼 포동포동해지지는 않겠지요.

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적당히 먹고 날씬하고 이쁘게 자랐으면 좋겠습니다



유튜브에 레몬 먹고 인상쓰는 아기 동영상이 있습니다..

보는 제가 입에서 침에 나오네요.. ㅎ ㅎ 







Heavyweights we have a little fat

Childhood obesity is worrisome lightly to eat well too though not similar yet

In fact , rather than eat well when I was a baby , Queen of us and us to increase the above , that you have to eat a lot all the way seems to

Probably because that , I now eat rice very well recently

I am concerned about other people , to say that it was troubled to eat children is not good , we big fish to eat too well .

Is a small guy our

I still eat well

It was during this time that enemy , appetite has left little for Moses bronchitis , rice ( baby food ) is also full expression Tsukutaku now

I was with also otitis media when Moses takes bronchitis

However , this person has started to lightly anxiety recently

I eat very well

Perhaps , would not gain weight as brother to eat well too as big guy

,Of course , it may not be the case and childhood obesity ...

I will eat a crazy candy baby

I 'll have to port followed by

I want to write as wool If you took

I am afraid to eat do not worry if you eat well I wish I eat well

I think the story of the umbrella longevity .

We always hold the candy you have made

Here's another house

Grandpa , grandma , aunt makes it continue going to eat and you come to another house

Face is round, losing a lot been out another house this time .

The picture below , is a photo that was taken with a large guy

Even out a little guy massive our livable , even though such person who is handsome

Girl shaking hands and eating too not next to us is to live

Consider well if you think that with such a child

It is thought that it is not related to us to apply , such as childhood obesity , but actually , Yojumu corrosion resistance is very good up to a small guy .

To refer to the brother go along brother , little guy , too would not be not be as plump big guy surely .

To eat moderately , I want him to grow up pretty with slim

