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따라서, 눈사람이면 당연히 여름을 동경 할 수도 있다는 생각이 드네요
웃음을 주는 장난꾸러기..
사실 장난치는 모습을 보여주기 보다는 실수와 비슷한 장면을 많이 보았습니다
하지만 이러한 엉뚱한 모습은 장난꾸러기의 모습을 떠오르게 하는군요.
진정한 사나이....
올라프가 여자라고 생각하시는 분이 혹시 있을까봐 조심스럽지만
저의개인적인 생각은 남자라고 생각하고 있습니다
일단은 목소리가 남자 같습니다.
올라프는 성안에서 홀로 갖혀 죽음을 기다리는 안나에게 와서 블을 피워 줍니다
하지만, 불 옆에서 용감하게 서 있네요..
마지막 왕국이 얼음 속에서 해방이 되어 여름이 되었을때도 의연합니다
자신의 몸이 점점 녹아드는 순간에서도 웃음을 잃지 않습니다
올라프 이야기 간단히 적어 보았습니다..
근데 올라프만 있으면 심심할 것 같습니다
let it go 동영상(유튜브) 올려 봅니다 (요즘 let it go 가 대세라고 하네요.)
여자분 let it go는 식상 할 거 같아서 남자분이 부르는 let it go 입니다
노래 참 하시네요..
I have seen twice the kingdom of winter
It was that for someone like our large , to see twice in the final
However, it is okay to be seen twice surprisingly
The try and talking about Olaf today
Olaf is a snowman
Personality is often a pure information but , What a funny character that looks like not even a little naughty mind to figure
I am longing for summer theme of snowman
It seems can be used to understand the mind that you look like a fool but I yearn
Snowman , will be able to exist only in the winter of the propensity on
Therefore , I think , but that there is a possibility to Tokyo the summer of course , if snowman
Mischief to give a laugh .
I saw a lot of scenes similar to mistake rather than show up to the prank actually
However , figure ridiculous such , I can not highlight the figure of mischief .
Real Man
Although it is modest and thinking of whether or not there people who think Olaf 's woman maybe ,
Personal thoughts of I , I think it's a man
Voice is the man once .
Come to Anna to wait for death trapped alone in the castle , Olaf has bloom cable
However , I have stood bravely in the side of the fire .
The firm even when the kingdom of the last is released in the ice , it was in the summer
Is not lost even laugh moment their body melts more and more crowded
It's a simple story of Olaf .
By the way if there is Olaf , it seems boring
let it go video ( YouTube ) (let it go that 's a lot recently . ) that you want to place up
It is let it go to people who call because going to Shokusho who let it go of the woman
I song true .
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