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기면증은 졸려서 잠을 자도 또다시 잠시 후 졸립기도 하구요
심하면 졸도발작, 수면마비등의 증세가 동반 되기도 한다고 합니다
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이러한 기면증은 전년대비 29.7%나 증가 했다고 합니다
저의 경우도 평소에 많이 졸리운 경우가 많은데 좀 불안해 지기도 합니다
일반적으로 성인의 0.02~0.16%정도가 이러한 증상을 가지고 있다고 하며 남자가 여자의 2배에 달하는 발병율을 보인다고 합니다
그런데 이런 기면증은 그 정확한 원인이 아직 발혀지지 않았다고 합니다
다만, 과도한 스트레스나 불규칙적인 수면시간, 과로 등이 원인 일 것 같다는 추측이 될뿐입니다.
인터넷 기사에서 자가진단(기면증 테스트)에 대한 내용이 있어 올려 봅니다
아래 8개의 항목에서 약간졸린경우=1점, 많이졸린경우=3점으로 계산하고 총10점이 넘으면 기면증(잠오는병)을 의심해야 한다고 합니다
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기면증(잠오는병)은 정신과 전문의로부터 약물등의 치료로 조기치료가 중요하다고 하며 현대 의학으로는 완치가 불가능하다고 하여 더욱 무섭게 느껴집니다.
Patients with symptoms called lethargic ( disease coming sleeping ) It is said that recently increased
I tried to raise together the contents of lethargy test ( self-diagnosis )
Even taking enough sleep at night , lethargy ( disease coming sleeping ) is , though it is Joruriun symptom day and tired at all times , it seems to symptoms other than the Chun Gong Jun due to the change of seasons
Patients with such symptoms seems to greatly increased recently
Even sleeping sleepy , lethargic I to prayer sleepy after a while again
Symptoms terrible upset attack , such as sleep paralysis is accompanied is also likely
I suppose there is a risk of symptoms such as paralysis and fainting may occur during operation , especially
I feel that it is scary disease will be even , because in some cases sleep may take during the conversation
The lethargy of these , seems to have increased by 29.7 percent year-on-year
Also in my case , if Joruriun is often a lot usually , but I may sound a little uneasy
In general , from 0.02 to 0.16 percent of adults about have such symptoms , and I will show the prevalence man reaches twice the woman
However , apathy such , was not to Baruhyo yet the exact cause
However , guess irregular sleep time and undue stress , that seems to be due to overwork and it only .
I see to give can have the contents of the ( lethargy test ) self-diagnosis in Internet Articles
If sleepy slightly from the item of the next eight = one point , need to doubt the lethargic ( disease coming sleeping ) sleepy often = With more than a total of 10 points , calculated at three points is likely
- If you go to bed watching tv
- Reading in the sitting
- When lie down to rest in the afternoon
- During a conversation sitting
- When you are sitting at lunch
- When you're sitting in a public place
- While waiting for a signal in the car
- When you are sitting more than one hour in the back seat of the car
The lethargy ( disease coming sleeping ), and early treatment is important in the treatment of such drugs from psychiatrists , complete recovery is that it is not possible in modern medicine , you will feel horribly further .
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