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집에서 주로 거주하고 있는 우리 마님이 틈틈이 먹기 때문입니다


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먼저 많이 알려진 효능과 요리종류에 대해서 몇자 적어 봅니다




--효능입니다 --


1. 피부에 좋다고 합니다

 고구마에는 비타민c가 많이 함유되어 있다고 하네요

 당연 노화방지에도 효과가 있습니다


2. 다이어트효과를 볼 수 있다고 합니다

 물론 고구마를 너무 많이 먹으면 효과가 떨어질 수도 있지만 많이 먹지 못하는 음식 중 하나가 고구마인거 같습니다

 소화시간이 길고 식이섬유를 함유하고 있어서 공복감을 없애는 효과가 있다고 합니다


3. 항암효과

 비타민과 여러가지 영양소가 있으니 항암효과가 있겠지요

 자세한 성분은 제가 지식이 짧아서 언급은 못하지만 항암효과가 분명히 있다고 합니다


그리고 고혈압과 변비등에도 좋은 효과가 있다고 합니다



--고구마 요리 몇가지입니다 --


1. 고구마를 으깨어 만드는 고구마 크림빵


2. 포장하기 좋은 고구마 또띠아


3. 그리고 고구마 타르트


4. 고구마 팥앙금


5. 전자렌즈 고구마칩


마지막 고구마칩은 간편하게 만들어 먹을수 있을 거 같습니다

그리고 튀김처럼 칼로리도 높지 않을 거 같네요.....









Mother of our country will be happy to send their sometimes sweet potato


It is really like a sweet potato also wife of our current


That sometimes I was eating it to say that it is pumpkin , but I can not eat a large


Queen of us who are living mainly at home is because eat on the side


With about a month to put in one box , and I'd like to eat almost all


I tried looking for information about sweet potato to recall the [Finish]


First , I'll try to write a little bit about the type of cuisine and efficacy well-known



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- The efficacy -


1 . It is to be good for your skin

Vitamin c, it is so many are included in the sweet potato

Of course , is also effective in anti-aging


It is to be able to see the two diet effect

Of course , one of the not eat many that the effect is reduced and eat too much sweet potato is like the sweet potato

The effect of digestion time is long, and contain a dietary fiber , remove the hunger seems to


3 . Anti-cancer effect

Since there are various nutrients and vitamins , there will be an anti-cancer effect

For more information component , there is no mention shorter knowledge of me, but I assume you have to clear anti-cancer effect


Good, and the effect is so is also in such high blood pressure and constipation


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- Dish of sweet potato , it's some -


1 . Sweet potato cream bread to make from crushed sweet potato


Good to potato tortilla to two packing


3 sweet potato tart


4 sweet potato bean jam


5 . Electron lens sweet potato chips


Sweet potato chips last seems to eat made ​​easy

And calories ..... it seems not to be as high as fried

