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류현진 2차전 시범경기 선발 / 신시내티 / 개막전 선발 유력


류현진의 2차전 시범경기에서 4이닝 2실점을 기록했습니다


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더러 맞기도 하다가 결국은 2번째 이닝까지 2실점을 하고 말았네요.


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그런데 류현진 선수는 여기까지가 몸풀기였나 봅니다


3번째 이닝의 류현진은 갑자기 다른 모습을 보여 줍니다


2개 이닝 동안 2실점 한게 기분이 나쁜 것인지 팀 동료가 장난이나 농담이라도 한 건지 갑자기 달라진 모습을 보여 주네요

(메이져리그에서 실제로는 투수한테 팀동료들은 경기중 장난을 치지는 않는다고 하네요. 아마도 날카로와 질수 있기 때문인거 같인데 오늘 같은 시범경기에서는 부담이 덜한 경기라서 혹시 벤치에서 장난을 쳤을지도 모릅니다)


분명히 무언가 의도적으로 바뀐 모습이었습니다


투구에 임하는 표정도 그렇고 공을 뿌릴때도 공에 파워가 실려 보입니다


아니나 다를까 세번째 이닝에서는 세세명의 타자를 그대로 연속 삼진으로 끝내 버립니다


류현진이 괴물이라는 별명이 이런 모습때문인 듯 합니다


3이닝까지 보구 류현진이 이제 그만 내려오는구나 하고 일을 했는데 나중에 보니 4이닝까지 했네요.ㅎ.ㅎ


4이닝까지 할 줄 알았으면 끝까지 보는 건데 아쉽습니다


4회는 물론 무실점으로 끝났습니다


오늘 3번째이닝의 3연속 삼진의 모습이 인상 깊었습니다


올 시즌 류현진은 아마도 작년보다 더욱 좋은 성적을 낼 거 같은 기분이 듭니다


컨디션이 좋은 류현진이 아마도 개막전의 선발이 유력하다는 분석도 보입니다


아마도 그레인키와 커쇼의 컨디션도 썩 좋진 않은 모양입니다


개막전의 류현진 선수 기대 되네요.


괴물 화이팅 입니다!


오늘 3월 6일 신시내티 경기 동영상 올려 봅니다..





I've recorded four innings and two runs in the second leg of the exhibition game Ryu


Dajosu is that it has enjoyed great victory 10-3


Ryu players early was the impression that show us a figure just like solving body soon


Welcoming occasionally , I ended up with the two runs up to two innings in the end .


If you look at the contents of the competition up to two innings , giving the strong impression that is not the best pitching


Of course , Ryu player himself seems to be familiar with the original purpose of the exhibition game


On the other hand , the other pitcher Bailey seems to sow the ball empower


If you look up here , it looks overwhelming pitching contents of the Bailey


However , Ryu player will be displayed up to this point whether the body was solved


Suddenly , Ryu inning of the third , I show the appearance of other


It will show us the figure to change suddenly feel how bad did two runs innings of two fellow team did they even joke or prank

In ( Major League Baseball , I do not struck a prank during the game . Fellow pitcher Hantechimu seems 'm such because there inclination and sharp probably in fact , but in the exhibition game like today , because it is game less burdensome , you might hit a prank on the bench maybe )


It seemed for the change is something deliberately clearly


Expression facing the pitching is also displayed power is resting on the ball also Toku-ji the ball so


I will end with a continuous batter struck out as it is the people of finely third inning as expected


Seems to be because of the appearance of such nickname Ryu that monster


Takara-gu Ryu 've got come down to stop it 3 innings , and it was cut to four innings If you look after it worked . I wonder ...


I regret that I can to see to the end I thought that it can be up to 4 innings


Four times , ended with no runs course


Appearance of three consecutive strikeouts three innings today was impressive


The all-season Ryu , perhaps , I feel going to get good grades than last year will


Ryu Hyun-jin good condition , analysis of starting the opening round that leading perhaps looks


Perhaps the condition of an old book and key grain also seems was not so good


It is Ryu player fun of the opening round .


Fighting is a monster !


March 6 today , you see by taking game video of Cincinnati .
