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아래 그림 순서대로 설정하면 됩니다
(1) 페이지레이아웃 탭을 누르고
(2) 페이지설정에서 우측 하단에 있는 조그만 단추를 누르면 페이지설정 대화창이 생김니다
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간단한 설저이지만 매우 유용하게 사용하고 있습니다
It is the automatic connection of the automatic setting / Excel function / Office of the outline of Excel
Excel but it is one of the utilities used many office workers in the program very useful in office work are specialized in the calculation
I also use many
However , there are a lot that you will be using more care for outline processing, such as ticket compared to the word and Hangul
In particular , if the amount of data increases, the page moves , and beyond , the estuary was tedious contoured line and the boundary line of the cell contour lines on a page-by-page basis
The frame to match the effort will take
So , it has a contoured when I was looking for
You can automatically inserted into the outline without the setting of the cell borders of each page
Of course , it seems useful to document the entire page is rich in Table
I set in the order shown in the figure below
Click (1 ) Page Layout tab ,
(2 ) setting page , press the small button on the bottom right , the Page Setup dialog 'm getting
Exit (3) Finally , when you press the OK by checking the grid lines of print items
Easy Sorujo is using very convenient
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